"You always touch me with your music."
"You guys are my favorite group!"
"Let me know whenever you are singing someplace--I want to be there!"
Fabricated quotes from a press agent about some new music group?
No, these are actual quotes from actual listeners today about a group that began singing over thirty years ago! Mountain Glory.
One of the pioneer groups of contemporary Christian music during the West Coast's Jesus Movement, Mountain Glory continues to perform concerts and special events. Today, three decades later--while fast-paced change and passing fads are the norm--Mountain Glory is still making music, and these kinds of comments are heard over and over--
"You guys sound better than ever!"
"My children love your music, too!"
And one of the most repeated comments has been--
"I play your album all the time, and it's almost worn out.
How can I get a new copy?"
You don't have to wear out the album--or rummage through a used record store to find one! And you don't have to wait to hear Mountain Glory in one of their few live performances. There's another way you can enjoy this well-loved music.
Mountain Glory's classic album, "Happy is the Man Who Knows the Lord" was out of print, with no copies left of those original LPs except in private record collections. But this pioneer recording in contemporary Christian music is now available again -- both to those who grew up with Mountain Glory as well as a whole new generation. All the same recordings from the original master tape but now on the technology of Compact Disc. Songs like "Christian Brothers," "From Me to You," "That Jesus Loves Me Stuff," "Church in the Wildwood" (with its intro featuring real, live California crickets!) and of course, "Cowboy for Jesus".
So retire your original vinyl LP to your collector's shelf and replace it with a CD. Or if Mountain Glory is new to you, treat yourself for the first time to some music that has blessed many. You'll enjoy some memorable country gospel music, California style, from one of the groups that helped make Christian music history during the 70's -- and discover Mountain Glory still sounds good today!
Plus! With every Mountain Glory product, a portion of the revenue goes to benefit Towel & Basin Ministries--an international resourcing group helping develop servant leaders around the world.
Mountain Glory's music is a great gift for your friends who like country gospel, and for introducing young fans of today's Christian artists to some of the music that helped pioneer the current Christian contemporary music scene.
Happy is the Man Who Knows the Lord 12 songs Compact Disc $16.00 
Happy is the Man Who Knows the Lord / You Don't Have to Cross Jordan Alone /
For God So Loved the World / I Stand at Your Door and Knock / Call On Him /
Cowboy for Jesus / Mountain Glory / From Me to You / That "Jesus Loves Me" Stuff /
Christian Brothers / The Church in the Wildwood / I'm on My Way Home
You can place a secure online order
A long anticipated CD from Mountain Glory, One More Ride, is a special, commemorative recording dedicated to Dana Walling.
One More Ride features Mountain Glory favorites like Jesus Lovin' Truck Drivin' Man, Christian Life, At Home in Jesus, Daddy Was an Old Time Preacher Man, and (I See Jesus) Coming in the Clouds. In addition, there are all new songs, including By Grace…and Together, and All Along the Way, composed by Michael Pitts during bass player Dana Walling's valiant battle against cancer. Rounding out this 12 song commemorative CD are: To Jesus, Least of These, Sorrows Don't Get Me Down, Footsteps, and Long Hard Ride, a musical tribute to Dana by the remaining members of Mountain Glory.
One More Ride represents Dana Walling's last ministry through music that he offered in a recording session just six weeks before his death. When that recording session extended into a few hours, the band expressed concern that going any longer would tax Dana's energy. When asked, "Are you getting tired? Shouldn't we stop now?" Dana replied firmly, "No, I'm fine. Let's keep going. I haven't had this much fun in weeks." And so they did, singing and recording more music.
Whether you knew Dana as family, friend, mentor or colleague, you will want to add this CD to your collection. As you listen to this music, you can smile, knowing how much Dana enjoyed making it. In addition to the joy that listening to One More Ride will bring, a portion of the proceeds from each sale will go to the Dana Walling Endowed Scholarship at Point Loma Nazarene University. This fund helps students participate in LoveWorks and other mission ministry experiences. In this way, Dana's life and legacy continue to influence students and offer compassion to those suffering around the world.
Included with the CD is a 12 page booklet featuring all lyrics and previously unpublished photos of Mountain Glory from the early 1970s to their recording session in April 2000. One More Ride is available now! Order today, and your purchase will immediately help increase the outreach of Dana's scholarship .
One More Ride 12 songs Compact Disc $16.00 
Dedicated to the memory of Dana Walling
Sorrows Don't Get Me Down / At Home in Jesus / Footsteps / The Christian Life
All Along the Way / Jesus Lovin' Truck Drivin' Man / To Jesus / By Grace and Together
Daddy Was an Old Time Preacher / Least of These / Coming in the Clouds / Long Hard Ride
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Mountain Glory and all that jazz...
Dr. Dan Nelson, director of the Point Loma Nazarene Jazz Band approached Mountain Glory about doing a record with the Jazz Band. Eleven songs were selected from Mountain Glory's catalogue and arranged by Christopher Tweedy. The result is special collection of Mountain Glory music blending steel guitar and mandolin with trombones and saxophones.
By Grace and Together 11 songs Compact Disc $16.00 
By Grace and Together / Happy is The Man Who Knows the Lord
/ Sorrows Don't Get Me Down / You Don't Have to Cross Jordan Alone / Jesus Lovin' Truck
Drivin' Man / Footsteps / Coming in the Clouds / I Stand at Your Door and Knock
/ I'm On My Way Home / Cowboy for Jesus / Call On Him
You can place a secure online order
CD Special
Any two Mountain Glory CDs (you choose on order form) - $25.00
(A savings of over 20%)
You can place a secure online order
Complete Collection
All three Mountain Glory CDs - $35.00
(A savings of over 25%)
You can place a secure online order